Katarina Nikić

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It seems that coding has always been part of my life. I learned my first languages by looking at the code, playing with it for hours just to see what it does. It was years later when I made a conscious decision to go for it, that I first started following actual tutorials.

What I enjoy the most about coding, is getting lost in it all. I can spend hours in front of computer, hacking, w/o ever feeling like I'm working. It's just so relaxing. It's much easier than writing about my self, I can tell you that much.

My plans for future, include getting into blockchain development. This area seems so fascinating to me. Having permanent, imutable data storage that is spread across multiple hosts rather than being controlled by a single party, seems like the way to go.

JavaScript, Node, React, Express, PWA
Huge fan of all things Javascript. Skilled in DOM manipulation, experience with Node.js, React.js, Express.js and MongoDB. Built several progressive web apps.
Html and CSS, Sass, Responsive design
Years of Html and CSS experience, experience with SEO. I learned Html and CSS by looking at the code, when I wanted to create a custom template for my blog.
C#, Asp.net, Entity, Identity
My first experience with back-end was with Asp.net.
MsSql, MySql
I learned Sql as a teen, when I got my first computer, with no internet connection. I played for hours with MS Access, using wizards to create databases, then looking at the code and recreating it by hand.
Restful API
I built my first Restful API cause I needed to, not knowing that was what I was doing. Only later did I learn a name for what I made :)
Experienced with command line Git, working on team projects, merge conflict resolution, deployment to Github, Heroku. I see Git as the direct ancestor to blockchain.
Kanban, Jira
Native English proficiency, spoken, written, and comprehension, developed after years of working in Datagate with clients all over the UK
Native Serbian speaker
Visual Studio
It's like being a pilot in a cockpit
Sublime text 3, Visual Studio Code
I'm flexible with text editors, but these two are my personal favorites
Photoshop, Inkscape, Gimp
I'm not a designer, but I know my way around these tools
Although compared to git, filezilla seems obsolete, sure, I can FTP as well, should that be required :)
Command line tools
Git, npm, telnet, nslookup
Problem solving
Never met a problem I didn't like
Hyper focus
I have a decade of experience of working in hosting company. This provided me with opportunity to develop extraordinary skill with English language. It also provided me with opportunity of learning DNS managment, domain administration, using several tools such as telnet for remote server accessing, nslookup and so on.